Macon County (MO)
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Macon County Government
- Modification - add 154.16 Base/Mobile (Macon (City)/Elmer) WPKU245
Macon County EMS / Ambulance District WEB FB
- Macon County EMS is the sole provider of Advanced Life Support, 911 response to the 15,566 citizens living in the county. Our service covers an area of 813 sq. miles.
- Samaritan Hospital in Macon
- Assumed to be using MOSWIN; mobile extenders associated with license WPFT650 911
- Mobile extenders on 852.5875/807.5875 (NFM) - 1/25 WSGW900
Townships and Water Districts
- 154.45625 FXO for SCADA Audio at 6 locations WQPW205
Municipalities and Districts
Atlanta Volunteer Fire Department
Bevier Fire Protection District
- 154.205, 154.28 Base/Mobile WRUC339
- 4/24 add 173.2375 Mobile Extenders 5 5W, with 50-5W Portables (NFM)
Callao Fire Protection District Town and Country Fire Department
- 30-50W mobiles on 154.205, 154.28; 5-4W Mobile Extenders; 30-4W portables on 453.3875 (NFM) WSDE232
- mobiles on 154.205 (NFM) WQOQ444 [Expired 12/21]
La Plata
- Fire on 154.205 Base/Mobiles/Pagers (NFM) WQQD435
Macon (City)
- 4/23 - add 808.2875/853.2857 FBT/MX; current: 806.3/851.3 FBT/Mobile Extenders (5-3wt) (NFM) WRTA682
Macon (city) Fire WEB
Macon Municipal Utilities
- 158.265 Repeater 153.68 input; 153.53 Base/Mobile KBJ834
EMS Agencies and Hospitals
Codes, Unit Lists, Pager Tones
Fire/EMS Pager Tones
Macon County R1 School District
- 9/23 Modification, changing 152.9375 to Repeater with 159.99 input (5-25W FX1) (NFM at Macon) WQKV998
- 462.75 Base/Pagers (NFM Data) at New Cambria WQUC844
- Bixenman Farms - 153.2675 Base/Mobile (NFM at New Cambria) WQNA699
- Charles Hall Farms (Callao) - 151.955 Repeater with 158.25 input (NFM) WRCN688
- Fitzsimmons Farms - 20-45W mobiles on 152.27, 151.985, 151.535, 159.495, 159.615 (DMR) 4kmra at Macon WRYX852
- Wilcox, Bob 154.54 Base/Mobile (NFM at Macon) WQPD393
- Matteson Vet 33.02 Base/Mobile KAI815
Veolia Solid Waste Management (Landfill/Hauling)
- 157.695 Base/Mobile (Macon-Macon, Saint ???-Linn, Kirksville-Adair) WNUN221
Bigham Wireless Consulting WEB
- 1506 Benton Dr, Macon
- 153.2375 Base/Repeater with 158.13 input; also multiple UHF, VHF mobile/portable frequencies (NFM, DMR) WRYX852